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Forces and energy (measurement in science; states and properties of matter, kinetic theory, density; forces and effects of forces; forces and motion, speed, motion graphs, Newton’s laws; pressure; work and power, efficiency; gravity and gravitational fields; energy sources and resources, fuels and environmental impact; transfer and transformation of energy, conservation of energy)
Electromagnetism (magnetism, electric and magnetic fields; static electricity; electromagnetic forces and induction, AC & DC; current, voltage, power, generation and transmission of electricity; electric circuits)
Astrophysics (the solar system, planets and satellites, the Big Bang theory)
Heat, light and sound (thermal physics; heat transfer, condensation and evaporation)
Waves (longitudinal and transverse waves, sound waves; wave phenomena including reflection, refraction, diffraction; wave equation; electromagnetic spectrum, imaging and applications)
Atomic physics (atomic structure, particles, charges and masses; radioactivity, decay and half-life, forms of radiation; uses and dangers)
Taken from e-Assessment Subject Guide (IBO, P. 33, 2016)


Physics - CrashCourse
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Physics (Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell)
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Explaining Physics GCSE Edition - Stephen Pople
Course Book. Has lots of practice questions and answers to questions. Definitely worth a visit!
Physics A Course For 'O' Level - Charles Chew, See Cheng Leong, Siew Foong Chow
Good as extra reading material - especially for revision. Includes practice questions to work with. An extra resource along course material and videos.
If you have resources which you believe should be on this page, please email them at
Donated by Eshaal Bashir
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