MEASUREMENTS AND UNCERTAINTIES: Measurements in physics; uncertainties and errors; vectors and scalars
MECHANICS: Motion; forces; work, energy and power; momentum and impulse
THERMAL PHYSICS: Thermal concepts; modelling a gas
WAVES: Oscillations; travelling waves; wave characteristics; wave behavior; standing waves
WAVE PHENOMENA: Simple harmonic motion; single-slit diffraction; interference; resolution; Doppler effect
ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM: Electric fields; heating effect of electric currents; electric cell; magnetic effects of electric currents
FIELDS: Describing fields; fields at work
ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION: Electromagnetic induction; power generation and transmission; capacitance
CIRCULAR MOTION AND GRAVITATION: Circular motion; Newton's law of gravitation
ATOMIC, NUCLEAR, AND PARTICLE PHYSICS: Discrete energy and radioactivity; nuclear reactions; the structure of matter
ENERGY PRODUCTION: Energy sources; thermal energy transfer
QUANTUM AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS: The interaction of matter with radiation; nuclear physics
IMAGING: Introduction to imaging; imaging instrumentation; fibre optics; medical imaging
Taken from Physics Guide (IBO, P. 25-27, 2015)