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IBDP Subject Guides

Writer: Amina HaiderAmina Haider

Updated: Jun 6, 2021

A subject guide is your saving grace in the Diploma Program. There is a very high likelihood that in your two or three years doing the IBDP, you will come across a speedbump. Maybe it's a bad teacher. Maybe it's a clueless IB coordinator. Maybe it's a chain of underqualified teachers that can't stick it out for more than a month (maybe this is shade). Most probably it's all three. But the thing about IB is, you don't particularly need a teacher to guide you. And trust me, I've seen enough scenarios where teachers are more clueless than students. And the alarming reality is that this has fucked up a lot of future prospects for students.

Subject guides have the answer to everything.

So when I say subject guides are important, I'm not over-exaggerating. I'm not telling you to be that kid that has read 1000+ pages of academic IB bullshit on the first day and is stressing out about Internal Assessments a month into DP (please don't be that kid). But what I am saying is subject guides have the answer to everything. Moreover, they can help you in improving your grade. If you focus hard enough, you'll know what to study (if you want to do it on your own and your teacher is uncooperative), how to write your IAs (if you want to increase your mark by an entire grade), and generally how to plan out your remaining time in DP by assessments left.

Anyways, I've stressed on the importance of these guides long enough. Here they are!

CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service)

Theory Of Knowledge (TOK)

Extended Essay (EE)

Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature

Group 2: Language Acquisition

Group 3: Individuals and Societies

Group 4: Sciences

Group 5: Mathematics



Group 6: Arts

If you have guides for any other subjects that should be here, please email them to me at

Here's to hoping that everyone's exams went amazing, and this summer proves to be better than the last. Next academic year, we come back stronger and ready to give it our all.


P.S. If you're interested in hearing about general life updates and curious about what college has been like for me so far, like this post :)




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