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The birth of Onymous

Writer: Amina HaiderAmina Haider

Updated: May 19, 2021

The idea of Onymous came to Sara and I during MYP finals.

The final months leading up to the exams were a complete frenzy – everyone was looking for the right notes and resources. Everyone was scanning and sharing their notes, looking for the perfect resources for Physics, and running after different teachers for IB past papers. It was complete havoc, and honestly a complete pain – for those looking for notes, and those giving them. It was during this time that Sara and I came to the realize how important our notes really were.

Being an MYP student, one can never find the perfect resource for anything they’re studying. DP, sure, there are some websites here and there, but there is nothing catering to the many IB MYP students out there. All resources available online are either too advanced or too basic for MYP students.

Side note: How easy do O level kids have it, am i right? I mean these guys barely take any subjects, have Khan Academy and literally a dozen other really great official resources, and every single past paper online - yet these people complain. They don't know the struggle...


After giving our MYP exams, going through the hassle of creating notes, listening in class, and looking at resources online, I realized the process would go on forever. Every new MYP batch would make the same notes in different ways, go through the same struggle while studying, and no one would do anything about it.

This is when Sara and I actually sat down and started discussing the possibility of sharing notes with other students and how that would work. We both had on our own, come up with the idea of posting our notes online for anyone to see, and together talked about the idea in more detail. These were the early stages of Onymous.

As for the name Onymous – well it literally came down to a coin flip. We wanted a name that stood out, had two to three syllables, and was easy to remember. The two names we finalized were ‘Epoch’ and ‘Onymous’. We loved both names and couldn’t decide, so we flipped a coin on it, and decided.

Onymous (adj.) – Having a name; named.

Onymous is the complete opposite of anonymous. We want to be known for our work, we want our website to be known and used by many. So I guess the name worked out all right then…

How to use Onymous

Consider Onymous as an added resource, or a revision guide. We will try our best to provide whatever resources we used, and upload all the notes we have, but remember that while studying, don’t depend completely on Onymous! Look through any resources you have as well, including presentations, lectures, books and your own notes.

We want Onymous to be the first choice for IB students (MYP and DP) when looking for notes and resources. We plan on updating all of our notes, external resources (Presentations, videos, books) and past IB e-assessments on here. As a firm believer that education shouldn’t be capitalized on, Onymous is and will continue to be a completely free website for all who choose to use it.

You can contribute to!

Yep, that’s right. You can contribute to Onymous too! From writing articles, fixing references, donating your own notes, and helping us correct any mistakes we may have made on the website – your help will be greatly appreciated. And there’s an added bonus – CAS. That’s right – Onymous is a CAS project, and by contributing to Onymous in any way, you can get CAS out of it too.

To learn more about CAS opportunities and helping us out with Onymous, reach out to as at today!

And yes, I just realized the amount of times I wrote onymous – exactly 17 times. You can go count.

But yeah, we hope Onymous helps you while studying (18 now… oops).

***Because everyone's watching Brooklyn nine-nine now :p




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