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  • Genes are instructions for proteins

  • In transcription, genes are converted into mRNA, which is then read at ribosomes

  • Ribosomes translate mRNA into polypeptides (sequences of amino acids determined by genes)

In RNA uracil replaces thymine, thus A2UC3G

Transcription (in nucleus)

  • RNA Polymerase makes a mRNA molecule that is complementary to the DNA strand

  • The antisense strand (template strand) is complementary to the sense strand (coding strand)





  • Enzymes work in 3’ to 5’ direction

  • Transcription and translation are both carried out in a 5’ to 3’ direction

  • RNA polymerase attaches at the promoter region and uses free nucleoside triphosphates (found in nucleus) to make a strand of mRNA

  • mRNA is elongated until it reaches the terminator region

- DNA is transcribed in triplets (sequences of three bases)

- Start (AUG) and stop codons (UAG, UAA, UGA)

- 64 codons, only 20 amino acids (+ stop)

- The same amino acid can be coded for by more than one codon

- Introns are removed from mRNA to produce mature DNA through splicing

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Translation (at ribosomes)

  • tRNA delivers amino acids to growing polypeptide chain in translation

  • Ribosomes are made up of protein and rRNA (2 subunits – small and large 80s)

  • Polysomes are multiple ribosomes that work together on the same mRNA at the same time to complete translation more efficiently

1) INITIATION: Ribosome binds with mRNA at the AUG codon. First tRNA molecule brought in at P site.


2) ELONGATION: tRNA beings in another amino acid at A site. Both tRNA molecules move forward, and peptide bond is formed between two amino acids, making a polypeptide.


3) TRANSLOCATION: Ribosomes release used tRNA and moves along the mRNA to the next codon. Next tRNA and amino acid are brought in, elongating the polypeptide further.  


4) TERMINATION: When stop codon is reached, polypeptide is released. No amino acid with tRNA that has anticodon of stop codon.



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Figure 1. Translation at ribosome

- Translation in free floating ribosomes gives proteins for use within cell.


- Translation in ribosomes of RER give proteins for use outside cell.

Transcription & Translation (core)



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